Table of Contents

Below you will find a list of all the activities, including a short description on them (e.g. the duration of the activity, type of activity etc).

Economic dimension

Banana Split (30 to 45 minutes; Group / Experiential)

Refugee Cushion (45 minutes, 15 minutes of preparation; Group / Experiential)

Fair-trade clothes (1 hour; Group / Experiential)

Wall Street Simulation (2 hours; Group / Experiential)

The Free Store (1 day to establish, 1 month for observation, unlimited; Individual or group / Experiential)

The Gift List (> 1 hour; Individual / Experiential)

Make or Use a Pool (1 day; Individual or group / Experiential)

Swap Day (1 day for organizing, 1 day for the event; Experiential / Group)

The Vacant Building Map (An afternoon; Group / theoretical or observational)

Tragedy of the Commons (40-50 minutes: Experiential / Group)

The Future of Shopping (2-4 hours; Group / Experiential)

Money Game (2 hours; Group / Experiential)

Money Creation Party (1 hour; Group / Experiential)

Barter Economy (2-4 hours; Individual / Experiential)

A Future for Tourism? (1-2 hours; Group / Experiential)

Find Your Secret Giant (30-45 minutes; Groups of three / Experiential)

Your Greatest Joy/The World’s Greatest Need (30 minutes to 1 hour; Individual or group/ Theoretical)

Quest for a Crazy Entrepreneur (>1 hour; Individual / Theoretical)

Design Your Dream Social Enterprise (< 2 hours; Individual / Theoretical)

Ecological dimension

Design Your Own Compost Toilet (1 day; Individual / Theoretical)

How to Make a Compost Heap (1 day for establishing; Individual or group / Experiential)

The Buffalo (1-2 hours; Group / Experiential)

The Rubbish Entrepreneur (A few hours/days; Individual / Experiential)

What a Dump (1 day; Group or Individual / Experiential)

Measure Your Water Footprint (3 days; Experiential / Individual)

Pee on Your Peas (As long as you enjoy it!; Experiential / Group or individual)

The Water Cycle (2 hours; Group or Individual / Experiential and Theoretical)

What’s in the Sea?! (90 minutes; Group / Experiential)

Eating Mindfully (10 - 20 minutes; Experiential / Group or individual)

The Ecological Meal (5 hours; Group / Experiential)

Dude, Grow Something (30 minutes + 8 weeks to harvest; Experiential / Group)

Mini Ecosystem in a Bottle (2 hours; Group or individual / Experiential)

Get to Know Your House (3 days; Group or individual / Experiential)

Harness the Sun (> 1 hour; Individual or group / Experiential)

How Big is Your Footprint (3 days; Individual / Experiential)

The Mighty Brick (2 days, with several days apart; Individual or group / Experiential)

Social dimension

Another Election (40 minutes, depending on the size of the group; Group / Experiential)

Sociometry (30 - 40 minutes; Group / Experiential)

Fishbowl (30 minutes; Group / Experiential)

Dreaming Circle (15-60 minutes depending on the size of the group; Group I Experiential)

Facing Facebook (30-45 minutes; Individual or group I Theoretical)

Sugar Cubes (30 minutes; Group / Experiential)

Privileges Versus Privileges (2 hours; Individual or Group / Experiential or Theoretical)

United We Stand, Divided We Fall (> 2 hours; Group / Experiential)

Girl Power (2 hours to several months; Experiential/Group)

The Human Car: Shared Leadership (40 minutes; Group or Individual / Experiential)

Your Favourite/Worst Teacher (30 minutes; Group / Experiential)

An Act of Kindness (10 minutes; Group or Individual / Experiential)

Interact with (Local) Government (Undetermined; Group / Experimental)

The Alternative Community (> 4 hours; Individual / Experiential)

The Movement (Undetermined; Individual / Experiential)

Solidarity, Not Charity!  (1 hour; Individual or group / Experiential)

Embracing Your Shadows (90 minutes; Group / Experiential)

The Way of Council (1-2 hours; Group / Experiential)

Own Side/Other Side (20-30 minutes per "conflict"; Group / Experiential)

Learning to Listen (1 - 2 hours; Group / Experiential)

Deep Listening (5 - 10 minutes per round, more rounds are recommended; Experiential / Group)

Worldview dimension

Be With (30-60 minutes; Individual or group / Experiential)

Gaia Walk (3-hour walk, 5-hour preparation; Group / Experiential)

The Council of All Beings (1-3 hours; Group / Experiential)

The Hike (2-6-day walk, 2-4-day preparation; Group / Experiential)

Back to Nature (24 hours + planning; Individual / Experiential)

Alternative Vision (1-2 hours; Experiential / Group or Individual)

SomaMove (At least 3 weeks; Individual or group / Experiential)

The Art of Being (10 minutes; Group or individual / Experiential)

Work is Love in Action (5-60 minutes every day for 7 days; Individual / Experiential)

Your Body as a Teacher (1-2 hours; Individual / Experiential)

Community Art (2-3 hours + preparation; Experiential / Group)

Dance Expression (Minimum a few minutes, as long as it feels good; Individual / Experiential)

Flash Mob (1 day for preparation, 1 day for execution; Group / Experiential)

Gender Role Reversal Exhibition (> 2 hours; Experiential / Group)

The Comics Journalist (1 day; Individual / Experiential or Theoretical)

The Yaya Box (2-5 hours; Group / Experiential)

Write and Perform a Punk Song (1 hour to write, a couple of minutes to perform; Individual or group of 3 maximum / Experiential)

A Pattern Language (2 hours; Individual / Theoretical)

How Wolves Change Rivers (90 minutes; Group / Theoretical)

Playing with Systems (1 hour; Group [at least 10 people] / Experiential)

The Mission (1.5 to 2.5 hours; Group / Experiential)