Make or Use a Pool


Everybody’s seems to be raving about the environment nowadays, and this is of course marvellous. But isn't it strange how the simple solutions are often swept under the carpet, when all we need is a little bit of organising? For example; just think about how much we would save if all seats of every car were occupied every time it hit the road.

Indeed, by having more people share one vehicle, we contribute to resource preservation and thus adopting a more sustainable lifestyle, but also we reduce our travel costs, fuel costs, toll costs, driving stress, traffic congestion, the need for parking spaces and we share the joy of making new friends or reconnecting with old ones!

Do you know that the average Brit spends more time driving than socialising? To encourage carpooling, many metropolitan cities have introduced carpool lanes, which are faster and less congested, meaning your commuting time is significantly reduced. And imagine if we could combine socialising with commuting to work? Join a carpool today for healthy, happy people!

Activity Type

Individual or group / Experiential


1 day

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to make and use a carpool


1. Create a local gathering event for your neighbourhood where you plan to introduce the concept of carpooling within your local area and explain the benefits of covoiturage.

2. Create a group using social networking tools such as WhatsApp for the people living in your neighbourhood. Anyone interested can join and when they have to go somewhere they can inform the others so that they can share a ride.

3. At the gathering, introduce the idea of ride-sharing at a global level (via websites such as blablacar for example)



  • Think about the links among the economic, environmental, social and cultural dimension when opting for sharing a ride.

  • Did you manage to make new friends/get to know your neighbours better while saving some money and time and reducing your ecological footprint at the same time?

  • Do you feel like commuting with other people can be more fun than commuting on your own?

Instructions for Submission

Upload 1 picture of your courageous experience and submit your answers to the questions from the Reflection section. Instructions on how to upload photos and how to submit things in Moodle can be found here: Instructions on Submission&Uploading

Instructions for Assessment

Provide feedback to at least one participant that has done this activity. Instructions on providing feedback can be found here: Instructions on Feedback

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